Category: Career Advice

How to Pick the Best Staffing Agency as a Job Seeker

By |May 30th, 2024|Categories: Career Advice, Manufacturing Industry, Recruitment|

Staffing agencies are experts at matching qualified candidates with a the right-fit role. Working with the employer and candidate, staffing agencies have a holistic view of the hiring process and can save all parties time and energy. Staffing agencies work closely with companies to understand the job’s expectations, the skills required, and the compensation range, so by the time they are working with candidates like yourself they have a deep knowledge of whether or not you are a good fit for the job. Since they know precisely what the employers seek for each role, they can quickly screen and vet

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Navigating Job Loss in Manufacturing: How a Staffing Agency Can Help You During Unemployment

By |March 14th, 2024|Categories: Career Advice, Manufacturing Industry, Mentoring|

Facing job loss in manufacturing is challenging. The industry is shifting, making job hunting an uncertain experience. Amidst the unsteadiness, there's a cornerstone of support—staffing agencies. In this post, we'll delve deeper into how a staffing agency can help you deal with job loss and ultimately drive informed career decisions. Coping with Job Loss The impact of job loss isn’t just professional, it’s also emotionally draining. A support system helps—friends, family, or counseling services who can be a sounding board or a listening ear. Maintaining a positive outlook, despite the setbacks, can improve your experience—here are a few tips to

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Navigating the Manufacturing Landscape: Finding Your Fit in Entry-Level Production

By |January 30th, 2024|Categories: Career Advice, Manufacturing Industry, Mentoring|

The manufacturing sector has stood as a driving force behind global progress for centuries. It's a dynamic field that propels economies forward and creates products that touch every aspect of our lives. At the heart of this dynamic industry are the dedicated individuals who ensure production runs smoothly, efficiently, and effectively. The U.S. added around 800,000 jobs in manufacturing employment between 2021 and 2023. However, the manufacturing skills gap is caused in large part by the labor market's struggle to find highly technical and manual expertise and could lead to 2.1 million unfilled jobs by 2030. Now more than ever,

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Forklift Drivers Are in High Demand—Here’s How to Break Into the Field

By |December 12th, 2023|Categories: Career Advice, Mentoring|

Forklift drivers are seeing a career spike, with demand projected to grow 7% from 2018 to 2028. As key players in material handling, forklift drivers (a.k.a. forklift operators) keep supply chains moving efficiently in warehouses and distribution centers. And with the growth of e-commerce and the expansion of distribution networks, skilled forklift drivers are needed now more than ever. Becoming a forklift driver promises not just job security but also a chance to make a major impact on manufacturing regionally, nationally, and even internationally. Let's explore what it takes to break into this career and how LSI Staffing can help

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Material Handling Jobs Are on the Rise—Here’s How to Land a Great One

By |November 30th, 2023|Categories: Career Advice, Manufacturing Industry|

Are you considering a career move or seeking a stable and promising job opportunity? Look no further than material handling. A material handler helps a company's warehouse operations run smoothly by moving various products and goods. This sector is on a strong and steady rise with projections indicating that the Material Handling Equipment Market could reach over $408 billion by 2033. That means more job opportunities and job security for you.  Whether you're new to the workforce, considering a career pivot, or looking to reenter the job market, the world of material handling offers numerous opportunities. Here, we’ll guide you

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