Published On: March 14th, 2024Categories: Career Advice, Manufacturing Industry, Mentoring

Facing job loss in manufacturing is challenging. The industry is shifting, making job hunting an uncertain experience. Amidst the unsteadiness, there’s a cornerstone of support—staffing agencies. In this post, we’ll delve deeper into how a staffing agency can help you deal with job loss and ultimately drive informed career decisions.

Coping with Job Loss

The impact of job loss isn’t just professional, it’s also emotionally draining. A support system helps—friends, family, or counseling services who can be a sounding board or a listening ear. Maintaining a positive outlook, despite the setbacks, can improve your experience—here are a few tips to seeing the bright side:

  • Be proactive: Learn the new and valuable skills you didn’t have time for in your previous job.
  • Reach out to your network and let them know your situation. The more eyes out for you, the better.
  • Use the time to reflect: Is your current career trajectory exactly where you want to be, or is this situation a blessing in disguise?

In addition to your emotional state, job loss also obviously affects your financial situation. Review your spending and create a budget, trimming unnecessary expenses to weather the storm. Explore government assistance programs that might offer a helping hand. Having a clear financial plan provides a solid foundation for the steps ahead.

Revamping your Resume

If your resume is more than a few years old, unemployment is a great time to check out the latest best practices. A staffing agency can review your materials and ensure that you tailor your resume directly to the job description and highlight your transferable skills. Some things to keep in mind to make sure your resume stands out:

  • Use the specific job title. It will help keyword scanners pick you out of the crowd.
  • Research the company and speak to their culture, priorities, and needs directly.
  • Only include the experience relevant to the role. A resume should be a marketing tool, not a comprehensive database.

Play up any transferable skills that are applicable across multiple roles and industries, like leadership, critical thinking, and project management. Ensure that your resume includes quantifiable achievements, rather than just a list of job duties. Be your own biggest cheerleader so everyone can see what an asset you’ll be!

Strategizing the Job Search

Expert trade staffing agencies are already aware of how job placement trends have shifted. They’ve got deep knowledge of the technical aspects of jobs, as well as connections with major manufacturing corporations. Your future success is bolstered by their specific intel on the right job and company match for you, and they can make those connections happen.

One major benefit to working with a staffing agency is access to the “hidden job market.” It sounds nefarious, but really, a huge number of jobs are never posted to major job sites. Filling them happens through word of mouth and key networking. By reaching out to industry contacts and working with a high-quality staffing agency, you can tap into this hidden market and expand your employment options.

The final strategy for maximizing your manufacturing career search is networking. In most major markets, there are a growing number of in-person business networking groups—they’re a great way to meet others who may have insider knowledge of job openings within their companies. Bolster efforts by utilizing online industry-specific job search engines, or joining manufacturing online chat communities. Sometimes an outsider’s perspective can really make a difference in your job search!

Preparing for Interviews

If it’s been years since your last interview, it can seem daunting to go through all over again. Your staffing agency can help with interview coaching. A method to help you prepare for face-to-face meetings is performing mock interviews. Staffing agencies that specialize in manufacturing will know the key questions that are likely to come up in your interview. They’re skilled in creating a sense of empowerment and confidence in their process, rather than creating undue anxiety.

An area they can really help you navigate is addressing tricky interview questions, such as explaining any gaps in your employment history or discussing past job loss with positivity. These questions can trip candidates up if they haven’t been coached one-on-one on the best ways to talk about them.

Navigating Job Offers

It’s tempting to take the first or highest salary offer, but when evaluating offers, assess the entire package—salary, benefits, and total fit. Consider if you have a large family—knowing that the health insurance offers solid coverage with a minimal premium could definitely have more worth than an extra $2,000 in base pay. Having an objective support system like a staffing agency can help make these decisions clearer.

Balancing multiple offers can feel like an exciting problem with little to lose, but you should still weigh the pros and cons of each. Think about the long-term effects on your career. Could one eventually result in a management position? This job will hopefully be yours for at least the next 5-10 years—where do you want to be in that time?

Agencies also have extensive experience in negotiating offers. In many industries, you never want to accept a first offer. How do you know if you’re in this situation? Your staffing support has the insight to guide you, ensuring you receive the best possible compensation for your skills and effort. Here are some of our best negotiation tips:

  • Help them understand why you deserve what you’re requesting. Compare the skills you bring to the table against the job advertised and use specific achievements to justify your value over their offer.
  • Understand their limits. Even if they like you and understand your value, they may have a cap on what they’re allowed to offer.
  • Avoid ultimatums. It’s not a great strategy to get what you want, and even if you do, now you need to maintain a friendly working relationship with the people you just told, “My way or the highway.”

LSI Staffing Can Help You Navigate Job Loss in the Manufacturing Industry

In the aftermath of job loss, partnering with a staffing agency is a smart move. From emotional support to offer negotiations, LSI Staffing provides a comprehensive approach to what comes next. LSI Staffing is uniquely equipped to support your next career move in industrial, manufacturing, warehouse, and beyond. Ready to navigate job loss with confidence? Reach out to LSI Staffing today. Your next opportunity could be just a partnership away.