Top 3 Reasons Employees Quit and How to Retain Your Team
Employee turnover is one of the most pressing challenges businesses face today. According to recent data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 3.3 million workers voluntarily left their jobs in late 2024, a clear indicator of the continued trend known as the "Great Resignation." High turnover not only disrupts workflow but also significantly increases recruitment and training costs. So, why are employees leaving? Let’s explore the top three reasons and, more importantly, how businesses can combat these challenges to retain their workforce. 1. Lack of Job Satisfaction Many employees report leaving due to dissatisfaction with their roles, whether
5 Strategies to Increase Warehouse Worker Retention
Warehousing is an expanding industry in the US, growing at an annual rate of 2.7% from 2018 to 2022. With a market size of 35.4 billion dollars in 2023, the warehouse industry has grown to accommodate shifting consumer preferences towards e-commerce and the expanding global supply chain. While the demand from consumers and businesses for efficient warehouses has not slowed, the industry is hindered by a limited workforce. Coupling a high turnover rate with a nationwide labor shortage, warehouses spend a disproportionate amount of their resources on recruiting new talent. According to McKinsey, each frontline employee departure can cost your
How to Leverage Q1 Production Numbers for Q2 Workforce Planning
Talent is the fuel that powers your company’s financial success and growth goals. When you incorporate workforce planning into your organization’s growth toolkit, you can create a workforce strategy that better insulates your company from many pressures and challenges that come with staffing in the manufacturing and industrial sectors. An adaptable, agile, and thoughtfully allocated workforce is a crucial asset that drives growth. Unfortunately, many organizations have not yet tapped into the potential of workforce planning. Most professionals still think reactively, rather than proactively, when it comes to staffing. With organizations collecting more data than ever before, forecasting based on
Five Innovative Retention Strategies to Reduce Turnover in Manufacturing
As a manufacturing professional, you’re likely familiar with an all-too common challenge that persistently echoes from assembly lines to administrative offices: high employee turnover. This revolving door syndrome is far from a trivial inconvenience—it's a serious obstacle, often standing in the way of operational efficiency, financial health and long-term growth. Why is this problem so significant? Turnover disrupts the harmonious rhythm of manufacturing operations, leading to unpredictability and inefficiency. The financial implications can be staggering, with the recruitment, onboarding, and training of replacement workers often costing thousands of dollars. Plus, it shakes up the social framework of a workplace, affecting
Three ways to effectively resolve conflict in the workplace
Conflict is everywhere and lately seems to be more intense than ever before. That means as much as employers may try to avoid it, conflict will inevitably find its way into the workplace. And if it does arise, you may need to incorporate practical conflict-resolution strategies to ensure your employees are working in an environment that is productive and team-focused. Understanding sources of conflict can play a big part in how individuals settle their differences with coworkers. Perhaps poor communication has grown between individuals or different teams. Maybe there’s simply a difference in value sets and interests. Poor performance
3 Ways to Elevate Workplace Ethics
Is your business operating under high ethical standards? The culture and values of your business should guide how your employees are expected to conduct themselves in the workplace. Those same values also often determine appropriate behavior and how your customers, vendors, and other stakeholders are treated. Employees who also work in ethical companies usually feel more valued, maintain quality collaborations, and are more productive. They also have a greater sense of personal well-being. All of these efforts will help employee retention and recruitment as well as the overall reputation of your business. As we wrap up National Ethics Awareness